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Teambuilding options


Teambuilding options


Teambuilding options


Teambuilding options


Teambuilding options

TVG specializes in developing your most valuable asset – your staff.  We have a variety of different corporate team building activities, workshops and interventions that will cater for all your needs in terms of getting your team to bond and maximise their collective potential. All our team building packages are highly addictive and fun catering for all sizes, ages and abilities and allows for a CHALLENGE BY CHOICE atmosphere.

Reasons to do Team Building

  • Team building events help to develop and deepen the trust among team members.
  • It helps to strengthen the relationships among co-workers
  • It teaches communication skills through the different team building activities.
  • Team building can also serve to refresh and re-energize employees that may have been stressed in the office.
  • Team building functions also helps them come back to work with a renewed sense of focus and energy which in turn will make the business more successful.
Team Building

Also remember

  • We have a BEE Level 4 certificate
  • We have a current tax clearance certificate
  • We can complete vendor forms within 2 days, no hassle.

More reasons to do Team Building with The Ventures Group

 Our Training and Development sector sets us apart from our competitors.

  • We offer services that cover a broad spectrum of team building & staff development.
  • We don’t necessarily tell you what to do, or how to do your job.
  • We rather provide fun and exciting facilitated activities & short workshops, where the participants learn to solve the problems themselves.
  • Our goal is to empower members to make future decisions & getting a buy in from the group.
  • Team Building Focus areas are subtle but prominent enough that the message is clearly carried over, allowing every activity to hold a lesson to remember.