TVG Leave NO Man Behind Challenge

Upon arrival your group will be met by your qualified facilitators. The day starts off with a few ice breakers to get the smiles and laughter flowing freely, and set the tone for the day.

It’s then time to get that blood flowing. Teams will enter their very own “TVG LEAVE NO MAN BEHIND CHALLENGE”. Competing against the other teams, your group will have to navigate obstacles, overcome challenges both mental and physical, and complete tasks. There is a twist though, at several point along the way, you are forced to lose a member and gain a member from another team. This will breed a culture of accepting new dynamics and new ideas in the various challenges at hand. You’re bound to get a little wet, a little dirty and definitely stand a chance of laughing your socks off! Lots of group dynamics, problem solving – and loads of fun!

The day can be ended off with an informal prize giving where the most impressive teams and individuals are rewarded for their efforts.


Team Building Activities may include:

  • Archery
  • Solution focus – Group dynamic
  • Water transfer – Group dynamic
  • Magic Hat – Group dynamic
  • Budget Rotation – Group dynamic
  • Inflatable challenges
  • Roller Ball – Group dynamic

Benefits of this Team Build:

  • This team build can be facilitated at any location of your choice including your own office, as all equipment used is 100% mobile
  • Can accommodate groups of any size from 8 – 1000
  • Can be tailor made to highlight specific company focus areas as each group dynamic is designed to achieve a desired outcome e.g. communication, attention to detail, punctuality etc.

Core focus areas:

  • Communication
  • Confidence
  • Assertiveness
  • Creative thought
  • Dealing with change
  • Time management – punctuality
  • Dealing with work pressure
  • Awareness of cultural differences
  • Respect for opinions of others
  • Decision making